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Minuarve.eeTERMS OF USE


minuarve.ee terms of use apply to the website:
1.1 These Terms apply www.minuarve.ee web clients (customers) and my bill Ltd. (hereinafter minuarve.ee) between the goods / services / services arising from the purchase of rights and obligations.
1.2 minuarve.ee to register and purchase products apply to the terms of the contract and the law of the Republic of Estonia, the rights and obligations.
1.3 Minuarve.ee reserves the right to unilaterally make changes in operating conditions and selling prices. These changes are recorded www.minuarve.ee website.
1.4 If the client sent a request before the change takes effect, then the customer's order at the time of transmission of force conditions, except where the law or these terms and conditions stipulate otherwise.
2.1 All www.minuarve.ee site, the prices are given in euros (€) and include VAT.
2.2 minuarve.ee reserves the right to adjust prices.
2.4 If the client sent his order before the price change takes effect, it is valid for him the price, which was reflected in the advance payment at the time of the execution order. The customer does not have the right to demand compensation for the price difference.
2.5 The package price which the client undertakes to pay minuarve.ee is a price to be shown in order esitamisajal.
3. Contract of Sale
3.1 The customer buys and sells minuarve.ee www.minuarve.ee website offered products / services.
3.2 If the Customer has confirmed the order is sent to the customer's e-mail address immediately uarve, which is based on the payment for services. If the client's e-mail address is not received after placing the order, order confirmation, please contact info@minuarve.ee.
3.3 The contract is deemed concluded when the order has been confirmed and the Customer has paid 100% of the amount due. All contracts are held minuarve.ee webstore.
3.6 The order will be processed immediately after receipt of the amount payable minuarve.ee account.
4.1 The return of the funds to be provided in the form of free money-back statement info@minuarve.ee e-mail within 14 days from order.
5.1 www.minuarve.ee website using Client gives a clear and informed consent to the processing of personal data minuarve.ee'le own.
5.2 minuarve.ee by the customer uses personal data only to fill customer's orders. The data is treated confidentially and not disclosed to third parties, except the then the customer's choice of delivery method, and it requires by law.
5.3 minuarve.ee reserves the right to send customer information on new products and special offers, unless the client has ordered minuarve.ee newsletter. The customer has the right to request deletion of your data minuarve.ee database.
5.4 In these circumstances, matters not regulated hereunder and Customer minuarve.ee Estonian state laws and regulations governing the relationship between the parties, and other acts.
5.5 These terms and conditions arising from the disagreements and disputes between the Parties by means of negotiations. If the dispute can not be resolved by agreement between the Parties, the customer as minuarve.ee the right to seek legal redress from the Consumer Protection Board or the courts.
6.1 ordering conditions and following this minuarve.ee e-store purchase contracts governed by Estonian law. When ordering any provision is void, it will not affect the rest of ordering or purchase valid. Void provisions shall be replaced by a lawful provision that provision shall be void, legally and economically closest.
6.2 All these issues are resolved in accordance with the rules covered by the laws of the Republic of Estonia.