Minuarve - Arve koostamine
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We are glad to inform you that we have integrated sending e-invoices, at the moment the public sector accepts only e-invoices. When creating an invoice, if the company accepts e-invoices in the preview, you will see an additional button “Save and send e-invoice”, the same submit button ...

Old minuarve.ee version

NB!  All data has been imported from the old version, excluding the invoices older then 01.01.2011. All registered users can use package1 and 2 for free in the next 30 days. Please note that for invoice delivery you have to save client email in the invoice. Please edit your invoices ...

New website!

Dear users, we want to thank you for your feedback and offers how it's possible to improve minuarve.ee services and we have decided to add additionally to the free version 2 paid versions for little fee. However the free version is still available and it was even improved. We can assure you all money ...