Minuarve - Arve koostamine
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Minuarve.eeNewsNew website!

New website!

Dear users, we want to thank you for your feedback and offers how it's possible to improve minuarve.ee services and we have decided to add additionally to the free version 2 paid versions for little fee. However the free version is still available and it was even improved. We can assure you all money will be invested for further software improvements to make our service even better.


The free version:

- new invoice status "canceled" + payed/unpayed
- you can filter by statuses
- free text search
- email default text
- duplications notification
- improved navigation
- you can enter float numbers separated by dot or comma either
- the interface is available in estonian, russian and english languages

Package 1(price 4,95 EUR/month):

- massive email delivery
- massive specified email delivery
- massive deletion

- you can edit everything
- you can copy everything
- you can change positions of any object

- PDF invoices
- you can see total price of the invoice
- you can see the dates when invoices were sent last time
- statistics
- default measurement
- you can specify unique VAT for every invoice
- free text in the invoice
- you can choose price separator lookup between dot and comma, e.g. 20,19 or 20.19
- XML e-arve format

Package 2(price 9.95 EUR/month):

- automatic invoices delivery
- automatic invoices unique prefix specification

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NB!  All data has been imported from the old version, excluding the invoices older then 01.01.2011. All registered users can use package1 and 2 for free in the next 30 days.
Please note that for invoice delivery you have to save client email in the invoice. Please edit your invoices that you have not sent yet or plan to send them in the future, if you do not plan to use package1 in the future. You have to do the same for saved clients.

The old version is still available in the next 3 months: